Wednesday, January 30, 2013

love it, live it: fashion inspired interior style board

Costello Tagliapietra F/W RTW Inspired Lounge
Yes, this lounge reads more S/S than F/W, but the dress really is from F/W.  While the colors lean towards tropical, the oranges here are deeper and richer.  The walls are neutral, the blue is fresh, the style; clean and modern.
Product sources available upon request TCSTYLIST1@GMAIL.COM

fun & fabulous interior,

I'm not sure if my taste in has changed or what, but I had one hell of a time finding an interior online that excited me into emitting a SQUEAL.  Most of the interiors I have in my "reference" folder seem too stuffy, too perfect and just too eh.  I love a mix of texture, clean classic lines as well some pieces that are a little rough around the edges, imperfect if you will.  An interior with some serious visual interest that refelects it's occupents.
 This feature was obviously shot for the holidays, but the string lights are still doable year round, especially on the branches behind the fantastic Chesterfield.

If you happen to know of a some other fabulous & fun interiors, DO SHARE!
images via Mi Casa

Monday, January 28, 2013

love it, live it: fashion inspired interior, costello tagliapietra

This stunning little number is so totally "SQUEAL" worthy!  The color, the pattern, right down to the hot nude shoes with a sassy red ankle strap.  Interior Style Board coming Wednesday.